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Old 01-12-2013, 03:53 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 8
Default Re: Best cage for Robo? (preferably in pink)

Hello, this is Michelle's mum Olivia. My daughter loves her Syrian hamster Daisy so much and because she is getting very old I've decided to get us another hamster. Since we don't have the space to fit another huge cage (Daisy's is already 80 by 50) we have decided on a dwarf. From my understanding a Roborovsky would be the best way to go if we can only fit a smaller cage as they're the smallest hamsters, correct? We both really like Robos, but if a Campbell or Winter White would be better then please let us know. Also, do you have any recommendations for Robo cages? My daughter's room is all pink, so would love a cage with a pink base or pink parts to match.

Is this cage from Pets At Home any good?

Mini Duna Hamster Cage by Ferplast | Pets at Home

And how about this one, does anyone have that?

Crittertrail Pink,limited Edition: Pet Supplies

Should we go for a tank type cage or is a barred cage fine even for a little Robo?
My daughter would really like that Crittertrail cage as it seems easy to access and small enough to carry easily, but will the hamster squeeze through the bars?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!
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