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Old 01-11-2013, 12:20 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jan 2013
Posts: 8
Default Best cage for Robo? (preferably in pink)

I currently have one Syrian and I've also had Campbells in the past, and I'm hoping to get my first ever Roborovsky in the next few months. I'd prefer an older one from a rescue because I've never had a Robo and don't want to start out with a really young and active one as I don't have the space to fit another huge cage. I want a hamster that will be happy with less space, and from what I heard a Robo would be the best way to go. Is that right? And which cage do you think works best for them? I heard that bin cages are good because they can't escape, but I don't want that. I would prefer an actual hamster cage. Would a Mini Duna from Pets At Home be fine or will it need a bigger one? What is the minimum size to go by? I really like pink so I would love a cage with a pink base or pink parts If you have any recommendations of nice pinkish cages suitable for Robos, that would be great thanks.
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