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Old 12-19-2012, 01:16 PM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 21
Default Ugh! My Hamsters STINK!!

I wasn't completely sure where this should go so hopefully this isn't the wrong forum, if it is I apologize.

As the title says, my hamsters stink. Bad. So bad that I can hardly sleep because it makes me sick. I use Aspen bedding, they're in appropriate size cages, I clean the cages twice a week....I've tried cleaning everything with soap, bleach, Odoban and a solution called Nolvasan which was bought at a rat show a couple years back so it many not even be good anymore but I tried it anyways. (I always wash everything really really well with hot water) It smells clean for a day and then it's back to stinking. I have one hamster who is fat despite exercising on her wheel at all hours of the day, if she had something like diabetes would that cause a smell? Though it still doesn't really explain why both stink, hers just tends to be a little more smelly. Is this a Chinese Dwarf thing??? My Syrians never smelled like this even if I only had time to clean the cage once a week!! I'm wondering if food could play a role, I've been debating on switching to see.

I used to put some vanilla extract in the water for my rats and mice (Males especially) to keep urine smells down. Would this work/be ok for a hamster??
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