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Old 11-20-2012, 03:21 AM  
Adult Hamster
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Default Re: My Experience Of Reintroducing

Thank you both for your insight It is definitely something I will be monitoring very closely when the time comes. It isn't an issue if they want to live separately, that's just how it goes sometimes

Day 3 (Monday Continued)
I let them play in their current sides for the first half of the evening with no issues, seeming quite comfortable to be in each others presence. I later swapped them over, with a little digging, bar chewing and racing around from Nutmeg, but nowhere near as much as their first swap. Pumpkin again didn't seem to mind. There was some battle through the bars for a while, but again nowhere near as bad as the first swap, and after a short while it stopped and they resumed being happy to be around each other.
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