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Old 10-31-2012, 08:31 AM  
The Hamster's family
The happy hamily
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Canada, Quebec (Trois-Rivières)
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Default Re: Hi all! New hamster!

Originally Posted by Loubylou View Post
Hi everyone, thought I would nip in and say hello
If any of you have horses you may have seen me on most of the horsey forums out there! Bit of a forum aholic

I have had hamsters (amongst many other small pets!) for most of my childhood and all of my teenage years, although haven't had one for a while! Sadly as a teenager not knowing about hamsters they were probably not kept as well as they could- small wheels, rotastack cages with nowhere near enough floorspace and wondered why they bar chewed

However, I decided for my 25th birthday this year I wanted to go back into small animal ownership. Originally I bought my syrian from p@h with a ferplast laura (don't shoot me ) but being at a different stage in my life I did some research and within a week I bought a cage with the RSPCA recommended floor size and a wheel big enough for my Jack Russell....

Anyway enough babble meet Bellatrix, my Syrian hamster whom I have owned for 3 weeks. I am happy to say she lives a very happy life and seems very content (probably one of the nicest calmest genuinely glad to be around people hamsters I have ever had the pleasure of knowing!)

Oh and if you are interested in something other than my little furry- my name is Jamie, 25yo female from kent, school teacher (primary 5&6yos) I also own a 15.1hh grey ex polo pony who is my world, a tortoise, a JRT and an OH who puts up with my animal addiction I am looking forward to chatting to you all!
I choked on that one !!! Welcome into my world ! My OH is desparate about me and have given up trying to control me with animals... to the greatest happiness of the girls ! You seem to have a fulfilling life and I'm happy to read this !

I'm Annie, from Canada (Quebec) and I'm a therapist for people with addictions problems. We have 4 hammies, 5 cats (3 babies that we are planning on rehoming) and I can say I'M ADDICTED TO ANIMALS AS WELL !!! ;D

Welcome aboard and enjoy the ride !! =)

Annie xx
The Hamster's family, home of the cutest hammies !
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