Thread: Urgh! Mites?
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Old 10-24-2012, 10:49 AM  
Hamster Pup
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Default Re: Urgh! Mites?

Thank you very much for your reassurances guys. I'm glad to know you used lots kyrilliondaemon, (hello fellow Welshie!) because that's what worried me.

Still not sure what the bugs are - the big ones are black and smaller ones are red. Just concerned that they've been sucking his blood. He's been asleep for the afternoon, but not in his usual spot, just crashed out in a corner. I weighed him on my friend's advice, as she is a vet, and she got me the right spot-on and told me what to do. He's still a healthy weight which is good.

He woke up earlier and sat on my lap quietly. I picked 8 more bugs out of his fur and crushed them. He seemed to enjoy that and now he's gone back to sleep.. you can see the Spot-on in his fur, it's like a greased 90's parted fringe!

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