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Old 09-19-2012, 02:20 PM  
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Default re: Daughters new Syrian has had babies, advice wanted

Sometimes the nest gets like a small volcano!! The mother hamster knows how to regulate the size to keep the babies at the best temperature and also to keep them from wandering out! They usually have a side tunnel inside where they have a store and the little ones will go there and start eating food from around 5 days. Get some oatmeal and budgie seed and sprinkle it near the nest and mum will take it in for them.
When they start to toddle out mum usually spends all her time picking them up and taking them back but she soon gets fed up and lets them wander. Even blind they still find their way back. At about 10 days they start to come out looking for food and you can give them a pringles lid with some babyfood or porridge and small chopped veg like brocolli, cucumber, scrambled egg and food once a day. Their main food should still be a good hamster mix. Make sure the water bottle is low enough for the small hamsters to reach as they do drink even when tiny. Hamster milk is very concentrated so it is important the babies have fluid from either food or the bottle when they want it.
We never count babies as there are often some lost or culled by mother. She always knows best and can detect things that we would not know so respect her decisions. It is better not to fret over lost babies and accept the ones that survive. I'd start looking for homes now A well tamed baby, home reared makes a lovely pet. Maybe your daughter might have some friends who would like one when the time comes. They will need their own homes and individual cages by 6-8 weeks.
You will need two cages or plastic boxes at 4 weeks when you separate into a group of boys and one of girls.
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