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Old 08-05-2012, 02:10 PM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: England
Posts: 554
Default Re: Wodent wheel colours - which would you want?

He's a friend. During hog shows, we have stalls with people selling various things (pouches, liners, mealworms, and so forth), and he started doing the non-hand-made things like silent spinners, kongs, and so forth...and has expanded. He's moving soon to his own house, so he'll be able to order in bigger things and have storage for it (I'm very excited by this ).

But yes, he made a pre-order thread for that first show he went to (2nd show for me), and I took advantage of it...then befriended there, and now he's my go-to man for cheaper-than-anywhere-else pet supplies! I don't even get commission (other than cups of tea I don't drink ). Although I do get cheap prices

I agree re colours in the UK. They are always hideous combinations - which is why I paid to ship my Junior one in from the US direct. Was about the same price as a Silent Spinner (or at least, not painfully more if one only has one hamster cage).

I'm keeping my fingers crossed as much as everyone between prodding him to say "Look! Look! People want them, and it isn't just me posting under lots of different names >.>"
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