Thread: So funny
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Old 05-01-2008, 02:33 PM  
Spuds Mum
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Its so funny when they walk confidently towards the tube then sort of look amazed when they cant get through isnt it? then they try all sorts of different ways to try to get it in the tube. the best one I ever saw was when our Bramble did the same thing, then threw it down (we thought she was having a tantrum), scooted up the tube herself then turned round, came back down and just grabbed the biscuit again.

So clever we thought - she's going to grab one end and drag it up - but no, she grabbed it in the middle again and of course it got stick - she spent ages stuck in her tube, refusing to let go of the biscuit!

Glad Dandy is amusing you, they give so much pleasure dont they? PS is he still pink?
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