Thread: Some help??
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Old 08-27-2005, 05:11 AM  
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I’m sorry to hear this Leah, its to bad you couldn’t have read the responses to our posts sooner so you could have separated or split caged them

My robos as I mentioned were showing the same behavior of not always sleeping in the same area. Although I never found any of mine beaten and bloody one did still pass away and I am unsure why, but I think fighting may have been a factor.

At the time of having both my robos, the one I felt was being picked on was larger, he’s the one the ended up living and the smaller one passed away, and I have found that the larger one IS a male, I can now easily tell just by the shape of his behind, but at the time of having them both I was unsure.

I hope you can find another friend for your little one and see how he gets on with a new friend. If not you could always allow them to love in the came cage so long as its split, so they can have the company of another ham, but not interact physically.

Please dont be afriad to post more questions if you decide to get another
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