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Old 07-04-2012, 03:55 PM  
Senior Hamster
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Chorley, UK
Posts: 519
Default Re: Tell me about your past and or present hamsters!

Lucy was my first hamster, she was a present for my 7th or 8th birthday. She was a long haired chocolate Syrian, I think, although at the time I didn't know anything about colouring and she was just 'brown', with a little pink nose. She didn't live very long, not even a year, but she was really tame and friendly, I remember she'd travel around the house with me in the pocket of my dressing gown Oh and in hindsight, "she" had a lovely skirt, haha!

Bets (I'm not sure who named her, it doesn't seem very hamster-y!) was my second, she was a golden banded, and a biter! It took me a looong time to get used to her and tame her properly, but she did live to about two and a half years old.

Maisie was a chocolate banded, she was a real sweetheart, although I don't remember much more about her, I think she died quite young.

Amy was black banded, I thought she was adorable, as she was always very small, but I remember my mum saying she was "too mousey"! She was a climber too, she was the first hamster I taught to "parrot" - to climb up on my shoulder and just sit there. I think she lived to about two.

GG was named by my younger brother, after his own initials, and no matter how much I tried to change her name, for some reason it stuck! She was a little fluffball, I believe a long haired black eyed cream - this time a real female! She was lovely, very cuddly, but only lived to about one and a half.

Charlie was my last Syrian, I think he was a cinnamon. He lived to almost three and a half and was absolutely doted on by me and my friends. He was a sweet, beautiful little boy, so friendly (he even made friends with my dog, who would sneak up to my room to sniff at him sometimes - eventually, they'd cwtch up in Buster's basket together, so cute!). He died in the June of 2008, I was seventeen, and as sad as I'd been when other hams had passed, I was so much more devastated over Charlie. After that I said I'd never get another hamster. He was my baby, he was there through some of the worst and hardest times of my life, and I don't know how I'd have coped without him.

Then, almost four years down the line, my little family of winter whites came into my life.
Nathaniel (Natty) is now about sixteen months, and looking old. He's such a gentle little boy, always giving me kisses, and he's always at the door of his cage wanting a fuss or cuddles He's so friendly, he's everyone's 'favourite' - but they're not allowed to say so in the others' earshot

Claudia is also about sixteen months. She was accidentally bred, but turned out to be an amazing mother - she had nine babies in total, two of whom still live with me, the others were rehomed to friends. She's calmed down a lot now from when I first got her, she likes to just come out and sit in my hand and be stroked. She's a screamer, I've never known such a vocal hamster - if she's not happy about something, she'll let me know about it.

These are Claudie and Nat when I first got them

Nicolai (Nico) is just over a year old, he's an absolute podge. He's very eager, if I stick my hand in his cage to pick him up he'll practically leap at it to come out for cuddles. He's also trained, although no-one believes me on this - I let him out to run about my room and if I call him or make a scratching noise on the floor he'll come running. He's also the only ham I've ever shown - and he won two classes at Cardiff. He's also a bit of a brat, I think I've spoiled him, but sometimes he'll bite me if I try to put him back in his cage before he's ready! This may be my favourite photo of him ever

Cecelia is Nicos baby sister, she was a bit of a runt - not a 'proper' runt I suppose, she was just the tiny one of the litter. She stayed with Claudie til she was about four months old, when out of nowhere they had a scrap and she's left with a little scar on her nose. She's so active - sometimes I question if she even sleeps - and always eager for a fuss. She's good at "parroting" and sometimes likes to make a little nest in my hair and stay there for hours.

Aand finally, my latest (final) addition to my current hamily, my little Chinese ham Mei. She's only a few months old, and we're still getting used to each other, still working on the taming, but she's a really beautiful, curious little girl


P.s. all your hammies are beautiful! Charley I love the close-up of Harry; Gellerbing, Rocket has the cutest little ears!! and sakura Sherlock is just ADORABLE xxx

Last edited by jemmalg; 07-04-2012 at 04:00 PM.
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