Thread: We're flooded!
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Old 06-20-2012, 11:43 AM  
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Default Re: We're flooded!

Thank you everyone! For the most part in my town (Superior) everyone is fine, and there is no evacuating going on. Animals are all likely fine, besides if it were something such as the zoo (Where animals were in an enclosed area with no one to help).

In surrounding cities there have been evacuations going on. There are a lot of roads that have been flooded out, and now are just big gaping holes. There are sink holes, and in the town right next to us, called Duluth, which is basically one big hill, some houses have fell.

So far I haven't heard of any human deaths, so that's good. In another close town called Proctor though, a kid did fall into a open manhole, but is out now.

I will post more pictures soon! Right now I am going to shower, and see what's what closer to my home!
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