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Old 06-18-2012, 02:07 PM  
Willow's mummy!
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: East Anglia
Posts: 419
Default Not chewing... Bethany, not Willow!

I'm probably being paranoid hamster granny (thanks, Minty !) but we've had Bethany since Friday night, and I've not seen any signs of her chewing on anything yet.

In her cage (Mickey 2xl) she has a big wheel (savic giant rolly) which she uses a lot, substrate to burrow in, torn up tissue for nesting in, a bit of soft hay which I have seen her nibble at, Silver's Syrian apple mix, a millet spray, 2 toilet roll tubes, wooden chewy toy which she has moved about a bit, a ferplast sippy bottle and a bowl of water so she has a choice (Elder son has seen her drink from the bowl but not the bottle).

I don't see any signs yet that she's chewing on the toilet roll or wooden chew - she does eat well & her poos look normal. I have seen her yawn and her teeth look maybe a little long compared to Willow's but not to pictures of hamsters' teeth. She's very nervous still (Willow comes and yawns at us when she gets up) but I think the 4 incisors are all there.

Am I being a paranoid person because we have one hamster who isn't a mobile shredder? Or should I be concerned that maybe she might have a problem with her teeth?

I'm sure my anxiety is fuelled by Willow's obsessive chewing, as the contrast is shocking! I'm trying to remember that she only came from the P@H adoption centre on Friday & didn't have any apparent chewing material there - but reading msalisoncarroll's thread when the vet saw that marmalade had lost a tooth, I got more paranoid!
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