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Old 05-25-2012, 09:19 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: England
Posts: 554
Default Re: Detolfs for robos and hybrids

Apologies for the delay, an exploded computer held me back for a bit (on the posting anyway!). It is nearly done, just got the lid to finish, which is likely to be next month (after payday) as the aluminium strips are a bit more costly than we were anticipating (over £8 per 1m strip, and we'd need quite a few!). Also got some tiddly stoneware mushrooms to add once the lid is in to my chin-sand area - they are a bit smaller than I thought they'd be, combined with my OH deciding that the desert bedding needed to be formed into a scree slope (I decided not to ask why as he was muttering about degrees, angles and digging possibilities at the time, combined with a few "bloody expensive hamster"'s), so the only place to put them is the sand (not a problem, they'll 'blend in' nicely), but it does mean it'd be high enough for her to climb on the biggest and make good her escape while there is no middle to the lid!

But Nimh is in with divisions, both platforms, substrate and so forth, and appears to be enjoying herself (if a little has a lot of new bits compared to her usual just deep megazorb!).

I have photos, but need to work out a way of connecting my camera to my new computer - it lacks a microSD slot (it has an SD slot, but not a microSD one...makes my 5 year old computer look almost modern...except for it being broken due to their not making the parts anymore!). OH reckons we can rip out my card readers and put it in the empty slot in my new computer at the same time he's pulling bits out the back to put in my 2nd fingers crossed I'll be able to upload some photos over the weekend.

It looks flipping fabulous though, if I don't say so myself Only one thing I regret...that we don't have the space to put four or more detolfs together to make it bigger But it is far far better than her last cage, so I'll keep telling myself that for now
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