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Old 05-22-2012, 06:19 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 208
Default Re: :0 What a big mistake!

Originally Posted by gutterglitterxx View Post
I left a section of Fluffy's cage open night. I was SO mad at myself. I didn't see her for a day and a half and then one night at like 4 in the morning my mom heard some scratching in the computer room. I went in there, shut off all the lights, closed the door, sat on the floor and just listened. Sure enough 10 minutes or so later, I heard it too. I opened up the closet door and there she was staring up at me. I literally cried tears of joy!

It happens. It sucks but don't be too hard on yourself. I did it one other time too but it wasn't too long before she passed so she didn't even leave her cage. Or I suppose maybe she did but she came back?

Glad you found them safe.
Glad you found her! I dont know what I would do if I left my door open (I never do because the cats could get in) 3 babies scattered around the house with 2 cats prowling around? Well, im not sure I would of found them all.

But the only thing worse then that would be robo babies. Every time Peanut gets out (not lost but she gets out of our hands) she races past so fast that she is so hard to get!

They are about 4 weeks and a half
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