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Old 05-21-2012, 07:54 PM  
Beauty Queen From Mars
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Default Re: :0 What a big mistake!

I left a section of Fluffy's cage open night. I was SO mad at myself. I didn't see her for a day and a half and then one night at like 4 in the morning my mom heard some scratching in the computer room. I went in there, shut off all the lights, closed the door, sat on the floor and just listened. Sure enough 10 minutes or so later, I heard it too. I opened up the closet door and there she was staring up at me. I literally cried tears of joy!

It happens. It sucks but don't be too hard on yourself. I did it one other time too but it wasn't too long before she passed so she didn't even leave her cage. Or I suppose maybe she did but she came back?

Glad you found them safe.
(( at rainbow bridge ))
❤ fluffy ❤ roxy ❤ cheeto ❤ jasmine ❤ gigi ❤
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