Thread: Curious
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Old 05-10-2012, 10:14 AM  
Van Diemen
Adult Hamster
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Default Re: Curious

I find this all amazing!

I am against a lot of pedigree dogs because they have been bred to look a certain way - which unfortunately leads to extreme health conditions. Like dogs with flat faces having breathing issues and ridge back dogs having appalling hips etc etc so I know what you mean in terms like that.
And obviously I understand what you mean about human genes too - it just seems so extreme in hamsters.

Like if two downs syndrome people have a baby, they are all most guaranteed a baby with downs syndrome too, but I can only think of a hand full of combos like that, that apply to humans. Same for cats and dogs etc.

With the hamsters it seems like there are limitless types you can own but only about 3 you can breed without producing things like eyeless whites.

I find it totally baffling!
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