Thread: Curious
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Old 05-10-2012, 09:44 AM  
Van Diemen
Adult Hamster
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Posts: 393
Default Curious

Hi all,

First let me say: I do not want to breed hamsters.
I only own 1 hammy anyway lol.

I am just insanely curious about the genetics of it all.

I have seen a ton of posts on here where people have claimed to have a certain type of hamster only to be told it doesn't exist lol.

What goes on??

People wanting to breed their hams and being told Noooo no no no (understandably from what i've read about things going wrong) - but why is it like this??

What happens in the wild??
Are there a ton of mutant hamsters running around or do they naturally know what they're doing?

Why are there so many different combinations that can't be bred together?

I am officially fascinated!

Anyone want to give me a Hamster Genetics for Dummies low down on it all?

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