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Old 05-06-2012, 06:36 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 11
Default New hamster blocking up tubes!

We've had our hamster for about a week now. He stays in a 2-tier imac fantasy cage. On the first night, he brought up all the wood shavings from the ground floor and used them to block of the tubes leading into the 'attic' part where he sleeps. I was worried that he couldn't access his water as the tube was packed so tightly, so I emptied it in the morning. I think this upset him as he was very nervous coming down to his wheel that night (the first night he was very active, playing on his wheel and such).

Anyway, he didn't do it again until last night (yesterday, I cleaned out his cage for the first time so I think this freaked him out a lot!). Anyway I ended up emptying his tubes again this afternoon as he was up and about and I was afraid he needed water. I was right because as soon as I emptied it he was straight down to his water, so must have been really thirsty. But he's just spent the last hour trying to block it up again and seems stressed. It's sad because I thought he was starting to settle in and become a bit tame

I'm tempted to take his tubes out but I think this might upset him even more, especially as he does like to hide in them if he's nervous. I'm really not sure what to do, has anyone else ever had this problem?
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