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Old 04-20-2012, 03:59 PM  
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Default Re: *PLEASE look* Hamsters making noises? Is this normal? Active and well!

Heya, actually, you sound a bit like how I was when I first got my hamster. I wanted so much to be sure I was doing the right thing and that he was okay, I was concerned about everything that he did. It's not a bad thing, but I think, as you get to know your hamster and his own little quirks, you'll soon relax and know what's "normal" and what's actually a problem.

Some hamsters do make noises, even when there's nothing seriously wrong. Hamsters can do this clicking sound if they're annoyed (like woken up from sleep), squeak when they're upset, make a chirrping sound if they're excited or frustrated, and mine did that purring, whirring sound once when he slept. It was so loud, it took me quite a while to accept it was coming from this small thing. In general, if all other signs of health are there - such as eating well, drinking well, weeing and pooping, don't panic, just wait and see if it's just a quirk.

Some hamsters can be potty trained. If you find he uses one corner a lot, then put the potty there and put some of the soiled bedding into the potty and he will end up peeing in the potty. After a while, he will learn. However, EVEN if they are generally potty-trained, if their houses are too far from the potty or the ham is particularly sleepy & lazy, he will pee in his house. After being potty trained for over 6 months, mine started peeing in his penthouse because it was a bit too "far". So I had to take it away and it stopped. Sigh.

Also, there are some hams just seem to pee everywhere, nevertheless - so just do your best and see yours will learn. If he does pee in his house, it is better to clean it out as the condensation can't be good for him. But try and leave the other bits of the cage that aren't too messy. I used to do a full scrub then realised, they're probably happier with some scents left around the cage and on their toys, since I think they can't see so well and are guided by their smells.
With love from me, Hamchan and Evie
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