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Old 04-11-2008, 07:55 AM  
Posts: n/a

Mika's a little cutie. Just like his sister! Yes, we must definitely stay in touch.

Snowdrop lives on her own too. I have two WW boys (Dietrich and Hogan) and I'd love her to live with them but until someone invents the "hamster snip", I guess it won't be possible as I don't want to risk babies without knowing her genetic background (I know the boy's background but not Snowdrop's). They've been alongside each other in separate playpens and it all seemed very friendly. Bit sad really.

She's a quiet little girl but a real little sweetie. I nearly lost her inside the frame of my sofa when I'd only had her for a few days so since then, playtime is a little bit more restrictive. She tends to pop out during the day (I work from home sometimes so whenever I'm there, she likes to come and sit on my desk and "help" or snuggle up into my dressing gown if its still early) but she doesn't get up in the evening until very late - and even then, its usually only to shuffle into her critterbath!

Does it make me sad that I can't wait to get home and tell her I've found her brother?!!
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