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Old 07-28-2005, 11:33 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Falkirk, Central Scotland
Posts: 69
Default Re: Mimosa

Originally Posted by babyboos
Sexing is something stores need to take more responsibility for - when they get hamstrs in from the general public they should not take the sexes for granted, after all they have no way of knowing the experience level of the breeder a lot of the time, especially if they are just a one-off supplier.

I have come across many cases of people buying a hamster from a petstore thinking it was one sex only to find out a few days/weeks after bringing him/her home that he/she is infact the opposite sex.

Absolutley agree, I think if a store cannot sex an animal competantly, they should not sell them. No more of this nonsense 'This store cannot guarantee the sex of any animal sold' Why not?

Many years ago ( )when I was younger I used to be the Livestock Supervisor in Petsmart. I took the job thinking how wonderful, I love animals, what a great way to handle and care for so many different types of animals.

I still have nightmares about that job. I was the only one who actually cared about them. If you were unsure about a customers knowledge or abilty to give the animal a good/suitable home you could refuse to sell it. Which I did on many occasions, but all that happened was that they would compain at the office and the manager would sell them the animal. What was the point?

You got a print out every week with the list of animals available, most from that vile mass producing rodent farm/snake food centre in Essex. You would fill out the little boxes with the required number and then days later small corrugated plastic containers filled with mixed sex unhandled poorly bred animals arrived in the shop. All they had between about 20-30 animals was a cut up apple.

They were starving and dehydrated and as wild as the hills and they were available for sale the minute they arrived in the shop.

I left after 6 horrible months with extreme stress and a house full of animals. On my first day I noticed an ill rabbit on the shop floor. It turned out to only have three legs and one of them had been broken and set at a bizarre angle and no-one had noticed! I took him home, he only lived for about 6 months but it had to have been better than where he came from.

Oo, that was a long post for me but I could go on all day about the horror stories that occured on a daily basis. I suppose that is what happens when they employed non-animal lovers on minimum wage and made them work overtime for a normal hours pay.

Sometimes we were working from 8.00 in the morning through to 2.00am the next morning on stocktakes and you had to start again at 8.00 with just your normal hourly wage.

All the staff tried to take shortcuts all the time, which does not work out with animals and sadly, it was the animals that suffered. The other members of staff knew they could leave everything and that I would do it, as a result I got very,very stressed and ill.

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