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Old 03-06-2012, 11:14 AM  
Senior Hamster
Join Date: Jun 2011
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Posts: 554
Default Re: Detolfs for robos and hybrids

I wanted to do a bar-less one, but was told that it'd be a bad idea. Apparently it would lessen the structural integrety, and be more problematic to fix dividers (think there were other reasons, but those were the two that made me sigh and give up on my plans).

For future note, the bars provide some structural integrety during the construction process - the moment you get the Detolf horizontal, you can slide them right out without any issues!

But yes, hence why I kept the bars, and for Nimh, it has worked out okay as she is having a 1/2 and two 1/4s segmented off. For my robos, I may have other plans - I have no idea how I'm setting theirs up yet!

We were planning on having a full-depth sand patch (slightly altered now - but no giving away the surprise yet ), and it means we can slop about with cleaning as required without getting water everywhere.

When we come to the robos...for them, I may do bar-less, but then it may just look odd to have them different - oh the decisions! We may, yet, take Nimh's bars out as well - except them my partner might cry about having to pull off the silicone
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