Thread: Chi and Ai
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Old 02-13-2012, 11:09 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Default Re: Chi and Ai

Yeah they are different. Take up a good bit more room then hams too. My piggies are more cuddly then my hams though so i like that about them. Echo decided my fingers were tasty today and bit me 6 times. She was being all tricky about it too. She was doing the I want out of my cage things she does and reaching for my fingers then when i put my hand for her to get on it she would bite it instead every single time. Guinea pigs just sat there and let me hold and pet them so that was nice after being bitten. I adopted these piggies. A lady said she couldn`t have them in her apartment anymore due to landlord issues but they clearly weren`t being properly cared for the cage I got them in proved that. Way to small and so dirty it was starting to mold, so I am happy I took them. Took a lot of patience to get them to trust me and they still freak out sometimes about getting picked up (i mean FREAK out not like the normal i don`t want to reaction) but overall they are doing so much better now. My new ones of course are just mellow and happy. i haven`t tried housing them together but i`m still getting mixed results during joint play time so for now they are in different cages in pairs.
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