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Old 02-02-2012, 04:57 AM  
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Default Hamster of the Month - March 2012- POLL ADDED - SEE POST

I have thought long and hard about the Hamster of the Month competition and tried to reflect on recent happenings from all perspectives.
I and many other members have been deeply distressed by things said here and elsewhere and I though to myself ‘why bother’ but then I thought again and I decided I knew why I bothered and it is because I know how much enjoyment looking at the pictures gives to so many. Life is too short to waste on bitterness and feeling that everything is unfair and I won’t take away the pleasure from the many people who just enjoy the competition for what it is; a fun competition where we can all enjoy our beautiful hamsters and share them. Behind each picture may lie a story, happy or sad, but in each one also lies a much loved pet and a unique character and a person who loved that hamster enough to enter it. When I go to a show I always think ‘well we always bring the best hamster home’. It’s the same with the competition. To you your hamster is always the winner
We all have a right to vote for whichever picture we choose and whatever reason we choose. Many millions of people have died to give us this right of freedom of choice. The way any member votes should never be questioned. If they are a member of our community, regardless of how many times they post, who they are and how often they visit, they have that right.
This month there will be a small change to the competition;
I am giving you two votes. They can of course be used any way you choose as long as they are on different hamsters. The first vote is a vote from the head. Vote for who you want – your own hamster, your friend’s hamster whatever you like.
They second vote is a vote for your heart. Please use this wisely because this vote is for the hamster picture you truly love the best regardless of any other factors. It is the picture and the picture alone you are voting for.
I trust that everyone will enter into the true spirit of the competition.
Nobody is under any obligation to either enter or vote in the competition. It is entirely up to you to decide.
The vote will be private though one person (admin) will be able to see the votes to ensure that there is no cheating as happened in a previous competition.


I do not want any comments about the picture this month. Please post only the hamster's name. Comments will be removed.
It's a new month so we have to choose the 'Hamster of the Month' for next month. The winning hamster will appear on the front page of the forum so when someone comes on to the forum they will see the picture.

1. This competition is for the March Hamster of the month. We would like a themed picture this month please and the theme is 'A picture to make you smile'

2. You may enter 1 picture.

3. The picture should be clear and as charming as possible

4. The picture must be of a hamster of any species and it must belong to you or your family. It may be with you now or have passed to the bridge.

5. Closing date for entries is Tuesday 21st February.

6. The voting will be posted and the new pic will be displayed in March. Each member will have two votes.

7. Please try and post a new photograph that you have not entered in a previous competition.

8. It must be themed and the theme will be 'A picture to make you smile'

Please do not post any comments on this thread and only post entries. PM me with any queries. If you cannot post pics then e mail me the pic and I will post it on your behalf.

Pictures that are too large or too small will be resized.

Good luck everyone and can't wait to see your pics

Last edited by souffle; 02-22-2012 at 05:14 AM.
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