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Old 01-16-2012, 04:15 PM  
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Thumbs up 30 / 40 Gallon Aquarium as a hamster habitat

I have noticed that there are no aquarium reviews and decided to make one, as I am a huge fan, and all but one of my hamsters are in aquariums or aquarium-style cages. I used to use bins and ZooZone1s and such. While it might seem obvious what aquariums would be like as habitats, it's good to share some tips, photos, and set ups, especially for members who don't have access to many other good bin-style cages that European members can get. Even so, I feel that aquaria can be a superior choice in their own right based on certain criteria and are certainly worth considering as a home for a hamster or two.. or a colony!

These criteria in which a good aquarium will win over another type of habitat cage are:
  • Visibility
Burrows, tunnels, your pretty set ups:

You can see your hamsters and whatever they are doing quite easily while they think you can't

  • Economical footprint
In other words, what you see is what you get for floor space. A 30/40 Gallon Breeder has a footprint of 36" x 18" or 91cm x 46cm, and, taking into account glass thickness, the inner dimensions that you get in floor space are 44.5cm x 89.5cm, which is approximately 4000 square centimeters and only 84 square centimeters smaller than a much bulkier ZooZone 2 with 4" of bedding.
  • Stylish and could decorate any room

An aquarium habitat looks effortlessly beautiful, if that's something you consider when choosing your cages. A beautifully set up aquarium can add to your space almost as well as a pretty fish tank with tropical fish, if you add some lighting.
  • Escape-proof security
An aquarium with a metal mesh top screen is chew proof and escape proof for hamsters who love chewing on bars, through plastic, and escape artists.
  • Ease of cleaning
This might actually not be obvious, but I find it easier to clean an aquarium than some bin style cages, such as Mini Duna or F.O.P. Gabia Tamburino--they have gridded plastic bottom which traps dust and dirt and requires washing. To clean an aquarium, I take out all the toys and accessories and scoop all the bedding into a trash bag, holding it inside the aquarium. Then I use a small brush with a dust pan to pick up small particles and wipe clean with damp paper towels and then dry paper towels. A small vacuum cleaner can be used in place of the brush + dust pan.
  • Some things fit better in an aquarium

For example, dividers for reintroduction are easier made for and placed in an aquarium, because of its rectangular shape all the way through. Shelves can be more efficiently placed against the glass walls. Objects can be secured with suction cups throughout. Log bridges or rectangular pieces of wood and such could be used to block off sections for different types of terrain.
These are some of the qualities of aquaria that I've grown to appreciate. A positive quality that aquariums share with bins is the ability to hold a very deep layer of bedding for digging.


A 40 Gallon Breeder is 36" long, 18" wide, and ~17" tall. A 30 gallon breeder has the same footprint but is ~13" tall. For a syrian hamster who requires a wheel of 11" or greater, I would recommend a 40 gallon breeder--or if you wish to have custom shelves or very deep layers of bedding. Dwarfies or small syrians will do well in 30 Gallon Breeders.

If you live in the U.S., Petco has regular Dollar-per-Gallon sales on its Aqueon range of tanks, so you can get a 40 Gallon Breeder for just $40 + tax! A mesh screen top is usually $20-25, less on-line. I prefer and use a hinged screen for easy access to your hams. There is also Zilla Critter Cage in the 40 gallon breeder shape. It already comes with a screen top cover and can periodically be found on a 50% off sale at Petsmart and such for ~$60.

I found that top cover screen clips are not necessary for at least the tops I own (Petco hinged top screen for 40 Gallon Breeder size), as they sit pretty securely on my tanks already.

Hope I haven't missed anything important.

Edited to add: Issue of ventilation. A Breeder-style aquarium is wider than it is tall, so the top opening is actually quite large compared to the depth. For a 30/40 gallon aquarium, the opening is huge, so there is plenty of ventilation. I've never noticed even a hint of condensation last summer, and it does get very hot and humid here on some days.
~ Maxwell ~ Hamilton ~ Tofu ~
Reward yourself and make a hamster in need happy - Consider Adoption!

Last edited by Hamtastic; 01-16-2012 at 11:36 PM.
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