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Old 02-24-2005, 06:45 AM  
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Toddlers huh... I think any animal is to much for a toddler to care for, if I am correct toddlers are the ones still wearing the "pull ups" and still are figuring out how to stop when they get running through the house so they don’t run face first into a wall!!! LOL!!!

Still often learning to talk and finding them with jam on their fingers even if they didn’t have jam!

I think most parents get hamster for kids a bit older then this, and they still have no interest in taking care of them. But it’s true a cat or dog is more independent and further more awake in the day time. So they might make better first pets.. That or maybe fish!

When I had my first hamster Teddy, one of my sisters bought a hamster as well, named her Nala. Well I loved my hamster I took great care of her. My sister on the other hand was totally lacking in the desire or responsibility to care for hers. Countless times the cage would be left un-cleaned to the point that seeds started to sprout in corners where the hamster would urinate and because the bedding as just so moist.

My mother would take the hamster away from her for a time and give it to me to care for, but eventually my sister would pleased enough that she would get it back, and soon after they cycle would start over again..

This next part should only be read if those are not easily sickened. One morning my sister came running into my room telling me she though Nala was dead. (Now my hamster was still live so it wasn’t Nala’s times yet)

I went in the room and found the most disturbing death scene. Nala was in fact dead, Her back foot was stuck in wire platform mounted in the corner of her cage, her body floated on a diagonal toward the cage door at the top, her front paws were gripping onto the wire bars at the cage door and her tong was slightly hanging from her mouth, she was a stiff as a board, It looked like the ham committed suicide. There were bits of seed growing in the cage because again my bad sister didn’t clean the cage in weeks. It was like she was trying to escape and died in the process.

I felt she had no right to cry it was her fault the hamster died, of course if I yelled and blamed her my parents would get angry with me for rubbing her hamster death in her face right as she found it dead

I was responsible for trying to ease Nala down from the bars without breaking her leg, it’s not easy to detach a hanging stiff hamster from a wire cage.

And would you believe later she got a gerbil and did the same thing to it!! This time though my mother gave me that gerbil and it became officially mine so it was always cared for.

It really depends on the child I guess. But It should never get so far a hamster dies, if the kid isn’t watching it then find it a new home before its to late.

Oh.. And you know what I found out that Gerald the ham I hope to adopt is being given cedar bedding~~ I thought about sending some carefresh over but if hes fine now Im sure he will survive by the time I adopt him.. that is if I do...
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