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Old 03-18-2008, 02:31 PM  
Spuds Mum
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I guess the thing is we cant anthropomorphise these animals, and we do all tend to do this.
When the pups dies Bronte just basically dumped one out of the nest as we were watching over the tub, and we thought "is it sleeping?" then when she did it with the other we realised. But I prefer her way of disposing I guess.

We let her out to play with her ball earlier, just so we could have a look at the other pups whilst she was busy. The others seem all alive and well so far, although there seem to be two distinct size groups - about three absolute huge pups, and about three minute ones with the others in between. Whilst she was out we fed some baby food from a spoon held into the nest, and of course, typically, the large ones were the ones interested!

We will supplement the smaller ones by hand feeding when we can hold the pups, as we have done before!
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