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Old 12-31-2011, 04:55 AM  
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Default Poor Dante my rat baby

I have an appointment for him at 3.30 this afternoon at the local vets (Holly house)-they are an exotic specialist and I think rats and hamsters and little creatures come under that bracket so hopefully it will be okay. His breathing seems bad, got worse overnight as yesterday it wasn't too bad but I was monitoring it. He sneezes every thirty seconds and chirps a lot and I think he is a little rattley. I have noticed he is a little off his food. He does eat but not like the other two, this morning I tried to give them all a piece of dried wheatabix and the other two just snatched it right off me like always and Dante wouldn't take his. I added water to his and put it on the end of my finger for him to lick off and that did the trick. I think he might be slightly smaller than Balthazar and Lucius but not by a huge amount and thought he was just naturally slightly smaller but now I'm worried its because he's been ill for a while and I didn't notice fully. Anyway I've had them about 5-6 weeks I think and that's plenty enough time for them to settle down so I know that he does need to see a vet. I'm going to take the other two for a check up with him I think.

Last edited by Nikorusama; 12-31-2011 at 05:51 AM.
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