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Old 03-16-2008, 07:03 AM  
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 5,941

Welcome to the forum - looking forward to hearing and seeing a flick of the new addition soon, well I guess when you can tempt him out eh?

The good thing is the food is going down, so he's obviously coming out at some point. Do you give food every day? If so you could try doing it at a specific time so that he gets use to it and hopefully it will encourage him to come out more. I think when your in the living room, you should have a chat with him, get him use to your voices and his name and encourage him to come out to see what's going on.

I think they are naturally curious and certainly in my experience very nosey so maybe see how that goes. I know lots of people wake their hamsters up and maybe if you start doing that at a set time, he'll adjust soon to the routine and want to be awake so he can interact with you.
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