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Old 03-16-2008, 06:56 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Worester
Posts: 11
Default New hamster - hiding a lot

Hi - I am new on here, we have just got a new hamster after not having any for years. I'm not sure if we have forgotten what they are like or he is behaving a little oddly!!

We got our new Syrian hamster Earl on Tuesday and intended to leave him be for a few days to let him settle in. We saw him Tuesday night and Wednesday night very briefly - quick scout around the cage then back to bed. But since them we haven't seen him at all (we know he's ok cos the food goes down each night!). I panicked on Thursday night when he didn't come out and lifted up his igloo to check but have left him since.

The thing is, it's a bit hard to tame a hamster when he won't even come out!! We have been in the living room till at least 11 every night and are usually back down by 7am so he must only be coming out between these times - is this normal? What can we do to try to encourage him to come out earlier?

It's been a long time since I've had a pet that needs proper taming and he seems determined not to make it easy!!
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