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Old 03-02-2005, 01:23 AM  
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Default Chinese Hamster Owner!


I own 2 female chinese dwarf hamsters. I have recently had problems with them, with one of the pair picking on the other. However under close supervision yesterday they did not fight once throughout the day and were happily snuggled up to each other in their bedding. However as soon as I turned the light out the fighting began and squealing, to the point that I separated them last night as I couldn't sleep. I am going to put them back with each other this morning and see what happens.

So I haven't come to a conclusion yet as to whether they should be kept separately or on their own...Luckily I have a spare tank if everything goes wrong. I will post another reply once I have made the choice between solitary or together!

With chinese hamsters biting Ive never had one bite me, only a nibble on a nail, it doesn't hurt.

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