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Old 12-16-2011, 05:22 PM  
Roebuck Hamstery
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Default Re: Yellow discharge! Help :(

I agree with souffle, it dose sound like pyo,

i can tell you what my vet said:

betrol will fight the infection, it wont cure it, you will have maybe a week-few weeks longer, dipending how far she is.
spaying is the only 'cure' however, this is anestetic, so that itself is a risk, and then the op is on a small animal, not as easy as a big one, it can be done, and honeydo isnt an old girl, so it would be an option. it is costly, i was quoted £100 for the op (vets may vary, but this is our trusted vet)
I cant say how my story ended, as I handed nemisis to the vet, i had said my goodbyes the night before, it was killing me seing her in pain, running from me trying to give medicene, but because she was 13-14 weeks old(only had her a little while after getting her at pah) she wanted to try alternate measures, I dont know what other medicenes they have tried, she now belongs to their vet nurse zoe, who is a lovely lady, she said she could bring her in anytime to see, i just cant bring myself to ask, as much as i want to see her, if she is going to go from pyo, it would only cause stress.

One thing Zoe said, was the possibility of cyctic overies. i dont know how that is treated, but the symptoms are as pyo.

I hope the vets can help you out, poor honeydo, keep strong little darling!
If you need to talk to someone about this, who has been there, just give me a pm, im normally here of an evening-morning but will check often in the day too

I am really sorry she is sick all our thoughts are with you x
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