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Old 12-11-2011, 05:31 PM  
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Default Re: Can a bar chewer ever go back to barred cages?

We're hoping to avoid getting more caging, as we have a lot already, so we're planning the best way to give her a bar-free cage from now on, and when she's in her temporary bar free home will see how she copes. If we do need to go to IKEA I'll drive as far as it takes though, we decided a while ago that if we need hamster stuff that isn't local and can't get it online we'll plan a day out to where-ever we want the stuff from and then buy what we need as an extra thing to do that day.

If she finds other things to do a lot then we'll probably let her get her bars back once more, if she isn't happy we'll try and find ways of sparking interest in other things again.
How well she manages with finding other things to do will hopefully tell us if she's ok to have bars again in future or not.

If she can't have bars we've worked out how to rearrange hamster caging so she'd have a total of about 9600 square cm, so she shouldn't be able to object too much even if we do have to keep her away from bars permanently.
It'll just mean changing hamster cages around a bit and probably spending a few days working on them to make sure they're all perfect for the new owners.

Oh and if she does get her bars back we'll stay ready to move her to a bar-free cage if it ever proves needed.

Edit - Decision made, we'll give her a week in the bar-free cage. If she sulks for the next two days we'll start work on the things we'll need to do to give her a large enough permanent bar free cage, if she copes well all week we'll either give her her bars back or leave it a few more days and then give the bars back.
I'll let everyone know how this turns out.

Last edited by kyrilliondaemon; 12-11-2011 at 05:39 PM.
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