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Old 12-11-2011, 04:08 PM  
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Default Re: Can a bar chewer ever go back to barred cages?

Yeah, we'll take her bars off her for now and work out if we're willing to risk putting her back in a barred cage or not later I guess. We'll consider seeing if we can get the bins side by side though, it might be possible depending on how we keep the room arranged.

The other hamsters don't have bin cages, they're all in shop-bought cages, and if we ever have lots of bins next to each other I'll make sure they're in rows rather than stacks.

And yeah, thats the digging tank. We'll try giving her a deeper layer of woodshavings and hay in the cage when we change her over later, hopefully that'll get her attention and its good to know that compacting it might be useful.
Carefresh is something like that, so we'll leave it out.

And we're in the UK, if we weren't I'd have bought at least one Christmas box a while ago. Unfortunately they're not avaliable over here, I spent a couple of hours looking one day and came to the conclusion that its either not possible or the way to get them here is very well hidden.

Thanks for all your help though, hopefully we'll get Scamp happier in a no-barred cage tonight and then we'll have a good think and decide if its worth the risk of putting her back with bars in future.
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