Thread: My 7 dwarfs <3
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Old 12-08-2011, 01:51 PM  
Erin Loves Dwarf Hamsters
Robolicious Bobtails
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Default Re: My 7 dwarfs <3

Thank you Erin - btw. that pic was taken with the cheapo 18-55mm kit lens that comes with the Canon, really nothing special. But I was very close so it worked even though the widest aperture at the tele end is only f/5.6. Look at the EXIF on flickr - it was shot at f/5.6. The kit lens actually has quite a good (=short) min. distance. IMHO that cheap lens is much better than most reviews will have you believe - they all make it sound like a totally horrible useless lens - so not true.
Blimey! You wouldnt expect to get that quality from an f/5.6 I was expecting at least f/2.0 if not wider! Im going to have to follow your photos on Flickr, they are all so great!
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