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Old 03-01-2005, 04:22 PM  
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Default Cleaning their cage....???

I love that my tank is up on a stand becasue it allows me to look from the button and see their furry bums and cute pink feet when they are digging around in their igloo nest.

I have noticed that robo's make very small poops Of course I suppose its to be expected being the smallest hamster species you can get. But since I have them housed in a tank that is 29 gallons is it necessary to clean their cage out once a week?

I’m using carefresh and since its very absorbent I doubt those little girls aren’t going to make much of a mess. Here is what I was thinking. Maybe I would just clean the entire cage out every other week but clean out their next area at lest once a week adding fresh bedding since that’s where most of the poop accumulates.

What do you guys think about that?
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