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Old 03-02-2008, 10:38 AM  
PM Fluffy for custom title
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Oops, sorry chaps - missed this thread!

I've asked for show pens for Hobbs and Bob - though I might need some advice for how to enter them (I'll put up another thread and some pics in the Syrian forum).

So you'll be able to do all the coo'ing you want - and Bob will love you for it - and make your minds up on her colour. She's fantastically tame, so I don't think a cuddle would be inappropriate

Your Gabber looks fab, Gus - and you've given Bob a lovely leg up to those tempting bars with that Sputnik
Many thanks! Bizarrely she doesn't like chewing the roof bars, possibly because it's too much effort. She does, however, love climbing, so I've tried to make sure she has as many opportunities as possible.

Mindst you, they're all the same!




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