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Old 02-17-2008, 02:26 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Tunbridge Wells
Posts: 143
Default I think "she's" a "he"!

First of all when I looked at Snowy in the shop I was told that it was a boy, then that it was a girl. My previous hamsters have 'let it all hang out' and were extremely obviously boys, so as Snowy wasn't like this, I thought 'she' must be a girl. However, now I'm handling 'her' more and watching 'her' climb, she does appear to have small, fur-covered bulges, no signs of nipples and the vents are quite far apart, so I think 'she' is a boy! Looking at Peanut - a known boy, he is also not 'well-endowed' compared with Brighteyes, Nocturne, Oliver and Shadow.

I also notice that the part of Snowy's tail under the skin is kinked, so it actually comes out and points off-centre. He's a beautiful hamster = so is Peanut.
Ann - Hamster:Chip'N'Dale. Rats:22 - no room for names!
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