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Old 09-01-2011, 03:09 AM  
Highland Hamster
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Default Re: Yet another "How to train" thread

The best token of advice is don't do anything you feel worried doing - even if drags the process out for a few months.

I don't know a great deal about wet tail having never experienced it, so I don't know how much stress they need to be under to get it - perhaps another member can help with that.

The plateau... hmm... have you tried the back of your hand? It may seem strange but Sen prefers the back of my hand (coz I can't grab her there). The rest of your training has gone so quickly I think now is where you'll need to put in the time. Just working on cupping round Crixis when you're petting, but not lifting. Feeding treats, lots of talking (as I'm sure you're doing). If you can make him walk towards treats (put it in front of his nose and pull forward so he smells it and walks forward) then you could work on just getting him onto your hand (still flat on the ground) and giving the treat. Do that a few times, then lift cms up really slowly and then back down again.

Sen has only recently learned to actually walk onto my hand to get out for playtime (that took a lot of training and her begging to come out). So if you can scoop with two hands and get him close to your chest quickly it might be the easiest way (ensure you're leaning over the cage or you're on the floor), as then he might feel more secure.
Welcome, my handsome LH syrian boy Dr Calcifer Lightman (a.k.a "Cal")!

Run free at the bridge my precious little Senpop. (10/10 - 04/12)
RIP My sweet little dwarfies - Doc and Noodle <3
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