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Old 08-31-2011, 08:04 PM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 129
Default Re: Yet another "How to train" thread

Ok guys I need more advice.

Crixis is to the point where I can just reach in the tank and pet him. And when I sa pet I mean PET. I can touch all his sides and head - at the same time! Just like I was going to pick him up. He doesn't care at all.

As soon as I go to actually pick him up he runs away then acts like nothing happened. But he will not let me pick him up!! In the tub he'll still run all over my legs and arms but again wont let me pick him up. He's "walked" on my hands a few times but he hates it. I've even tried putting socks on my hand so he wouldn't think its me but it still doesn't work. I know it's not a height thing because I can scoop him up in the igloo with no problems.

What do I do now?
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