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Old 08-30-2011, 08:36 AM  
Adult Hamster
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Default Re: Yet another "How to train" thread

Aw that's good! I'm going to try not touching Charlie today (however hard that is) and 'start afresh' with him tomorrow, doing what Namrufmo is doing - putting my hand in the cage for a while, etc. I don't have a bathtub so I'll have to pass on that stage.

One of my main problems is that Charlie's waking pattern is very late night to very early morning, both times when I'm not awake myself. That's meant that for me to hold him I've had to wake him up. Will this hinder the taming process? He always runs behind his wheel when I lift his house up gently. Then he basically runs to anything just to get away from me. Usually he'll eventually go to his wheel and start running on it, which is when I can pick him up.

Am I doing it all wrong?
Joey was born: 13/04/12
Scamp was born: 13/09/2012

Charlie: 21/06/11-10/12/12
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