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Old 08-24-2011, 01:34 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Nova Scotia
Posts: 102
Default Re: New hamster play/ exercise pen!

Hamster Cages Questionnaire
1. How old are you?
B. 11-19

2. Which gender are you?
B. Female

3. How long have you owned a hamster for?
A. Less than 6 months

4. What sort of cage does your hamster live in?
B. Plastic Cage

5. Would you like to have some sort of exercise/play cage which your hamster can use when its main home is being cleaned or just for play?
A. Yes

6. Do you think an exercise/ exercise area should have space for food or treats?
A. Yes

7. Would you buy a hamster cage made entirely from wood and acrylic (plastic)?
A. Yes

8. Would you consider buying a hamster cage which would benefit your pet, by being a cage which is less open and more like its natural habitat?
A. Yes.

9. On average, how much do you spend on your hamster per month?
D. £30+

10. How much did you pay for your hamster cage?
C. £25- £33

11. How long does it take to clean your hamster’s cage?
A. Less than 30 mins

12. Is your hamster prone to chewing wood?
A. Yes
Betta Fish: Marc, Lorenzo, Nikki & Bubs. Hamsters: Pickle & Koko. Cats: Baby & Skye.
RIP my angels: Molly, Sparky, Ginger & Scruffy. Hope you're doing good in doggy heaven.
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