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Old 06-03-2011, 05:14 AM  
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 25
Default Re: How to recapture an escaped hamster

my hamster is really good, his cage is open most of the evening and he is able to run freely round my bedroom. when hes had enough he goes back in his cage and goes to sleep. alot of the time he will go back in his cage just to run on his wheel!!

i love it when hes out hes a right little explorer. he climbed up a dress in my wardobe and was hanging from the coat hangers, i could hear them clinking. he can also climb up my walls as they are chip paper walls and up the curtains and on top of the wardobes hes a right little climber!!

I've done this for over a year and never once has he gone to sleep outside the cage or hurt himself. although once he did get hold of a whole packet of dried apricots that i had to wrestle from his as their bad for hammys!! i must admit I've never had a hamster that I've been able to do this with, i think he just has a really good personaility, he isn't a chewer so i dont have to worry about that, and i think he feels safe in his cage as he always returns
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