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Old 05-13-2011, 03:16 AM  
Senior Hamster
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Default Re: Simmons is not a boy

She has moved them all to one corner. She then got on her wheel last night. I was sure I would be removing little carcasses this morning.

But she was with them in the corner when I woke up. She has a very thin sheet around the cage, for privacy without suffocating the little things.

I will get meal worms today from the pet store. I just give those as is, right?

Her bedding is the compressed paper fluff stuff. It doesn't do the string thing when it is shredded.

We have given her plenty of food and water so that we do not have to disturb for the next 24 hours.

To say I was in a state of shock would be accurate. I am not the calm on in crisis situations. LOL So I was quite proud of myself for thinking to use a paper plate to scoop them all up to put on the bottom floor. I did touch one because he got left behind with no bedding. I did want to scrape him across the wood.

She will be getting a bin cage after all this is over. I already have part of the supplies for it.

Thank you all for your words. Hearing the little things squeak this morning was music to our ears. I will be very grateful if some of them survive.

I am glad I found you all.
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