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Old 04-14-2005, 08:08 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: NJ, USA
Posts: 71
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Coco1, they keep 'quiet' on all this because it would prove vegetarians wrong, and then what would they have to eat? If vegetarians who choose to be veggies because they feel it cruel to kill any living thing to eat, they would have to accept this and not eat plants, thus starving to death.

There is a food chain on this planet. It's there for a reason. We cannot synthesize food (with the exception of CoolWhip!, I can't find any 'food' in the stuff!), so we have to eat living things. Every thing on this earth eats something living to survive, even plants. Isn't there microscopic organisms in water?

Humans are built to eat a variety of food. If one does not want to eat meat, that is a choice matter.I have no qualms against vegetarinism. Everyone is free to eat as they choose. The fact remains we do need to eat it to some degree. We have teeth to rip and chew, and digestive fluids to break it down once we eat it. We are omnivores. That means we need a little bit of everything.

PETA is an acronym for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. You can do a web search for their site, but be prepared for some graphic stuff and heartache. But most of all, lies.

Another thing I just remembered.

A member on the Pet Web Site had a problem with her hamster dieing because of a poorly designed cage. I've been on a cage rampage for months now, she and I wrote letters to the company. She asked me to also write PETA to get involved, I obviously didn't, but she did. She got the same kind of 'form letter' as the cage manufacturer saying 'too bad' in not so many words. Apparently PETA didn't feel that hamsters dieing by faulty cage design was worth their effort. They couldn't contrive enought drama to get the right amount of attention.

Can you say hypocrite?
'Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?'
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