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Old 04-14-2005, 07:04 AM  
Hamster Pup
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: TN, United States
Posts: 59
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At the moment I only have Tinklepaugh but at the time that I adopted him he was being housed with a littermate (I think the other was a littermate, knowing my PetsMart it could have been a mate for all they know ). I had observed them for about 30 minutes prior to purchasing and they would chase each other around for a bit then separate themselves into opposite corners and groom for a bit, then one would be off after the other and they would run all over the place but I didn't see them nipping or biting so I think they were playing . I chose Tinky because he was the underdog, so to speak and really he was the only one the PetsMart employee could catch. :P

I've noticed rather territorial/diva-ish behavior from him: he doesn't like me messing with his food stash (heaven forbid I clean it out, he sqeals at me if I do) and he has a friendly (I think) rivalry with my betta Lutador and my cat Max for my attention but if Lutador or Max is getting attention from me or my roommates Tinky will make a rukus to get attention.

In a couple of months I'll be able to let you know more about the group housing situation. Thanks in part to a *not-so-great* local pet store owner (has too many animals for one person to take care of adequately, I voluntarily come in and clean the hammies, rabbits, and degu (so would get a degu if we had an exotic vet within driving distance) for him) he let me know one of his regular hamster breeders has to give up her five Chinese and I've been in contact with her about taking some or all of them. If I take any/all of them I'll definately be driving down to her place to get them so if anyone happens to have suggestions for stress-free/reduced stress long distance transportation, I'd be most appreciative of any tips/suggestions/hints/personal experiences.

Tinky has nipped me several times but usually that's because I've had him out of his cage too long or my hand smells like something (usually soap, though I just switched to unsented so it's not so bad anymore--country apple though, stay away from the teeth end ). His nippage tends to occur if he's feeling insecure--he hears a noise on the TV or my computer or if one of my roomies makes a sudden move or I move around a lot with him in my hands. I've also had him nip me from jealousy after playing with Max.

I'll keep you posted on the solitary v. group question and do some more behavior observations (hopefully with more than one that will be an easier job!).
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