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Old 04-14-2011, 05:02 PM  
Hamster Pup
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Join Date: May 2010
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Default Re: quick winter white question..

I want to believe there are mandarin hamsters out there, but I feel that saying there are encourages breeders to hybridise their stock for the pretty 'rare' colours and I know that this can cause such health problems

However if the hamsters don't appear to be affected by being slightly hybrid I guess that this is fine, but I do feel that all of this mandarin hamsters business seems to confuse some 'breeders' into thinking an argente campbells is a mandarin winter white.

I've even seen people advertising 'RARE black winter whites' for sale lately, which I can't believe for a second to be black winter whites, as you can see they have campbells ears and features. They sell them for more than twice the price as well. Really annoys me to see it.

Sorry guys I'm going on a rant, but I have had two hybrid hamsters which I bought from 'breeders' and as much as I've loved/love them as my irreplaceable pets it angers me to think that with a bit more research into what they were breeding they might have lived longer and not have had such ailments. One of them was the gorgeous argente red eyed 'cream/mandarin WW'.
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