Thread: Treats
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Old 04-12-2005, 11:11 AM  
ham ham 1
Newborn Pup
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 20
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My Miss Tufft gets mant different treats. Here is a quick list.

* Peanuts

* berries

* apples <------------#2 to her

* bananas

* broccoli <--- ----------------loves this too

* small amounts of cabbage

* mixture of grated carrots and apple

* carrots

* cabbage - in small amounts.

* cauliflower

* chicory

* corgettes (zucchini)

* corn on the cob

* pears

* melon <---------------She loves Water melon

* mango

* butternut squash

* cooked potatoes (no skins)

* kidney beans (cooked) <---------------------------dont like wont eat

* grapes (with seeds removed)<----- Her fav

* sweet corn

* squash

* mushrooms

* mozzarella cheese <-----------Goes crazy for this one

* tinned tuna fish

* sweet corn

*scrambled Egg (small amounts) <----- A special treat for a hammie. Tiny Bits !

Ok not so quick list
Nikkie , Amy (prairie dog), Miss. tufft (hammie)
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