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Old 09-04-2007, 06:30 AM  
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Yorkshire, UK but my heart lies in Scotland!
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Everyone is different Pouchy and has there own ways of coping with things. I think if it makes them feel better if they are unable to say put to death or killed by saying 'put to sleep' and they know the animal has died anyway, then so be it for it is them who are suffering the loss. Euthanasia is by definition 'the act of putting to death , painlessly, especially in order to release from incurable suffering' so I have no issues with the use of this word as it a proper word with a proper meaning.
Many people would not find the strength to put an animal to death by drowning or any other means and then it falls upon a vet. Not one of us here knows what it feels like to die so no-one can say how quick and painless drowning or anesthetic might be comparatively. At least an overdose of anesthetic has been shown, by looking at the brainwaves in animals, to be painless. I personally have a great fear of drowning so could not do that. I guess we have all taken the lives of some creature at some time even if it was just a spider or a fly and we will never know how it felt.
At the end of the day it is the person who makes a decision who must shoulder the responsibility and I feel that anything that makes them feel better, whether it be in expressing it through talking, writing in any form or perhaps a religious belief can only be a good thing which I personally am happy to respect.

I very much agree with you Pouchy that no-one should take on a pet unless they can give it the attention and life it deserves. Sadly not enough people think this way.
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